International Student Scholarship 2022 (Batch II)
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International Student Scholarship 2022 (Batch II)

ISS program is a scholarship program presented by Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang for international citizens who want to get a new experience and feel firsthand the atmosphere, process, and. quality of Islamic education in Indonesia
The university’s education system is a system of integration

UIN Maliki Malang Buka Layanan One Stop Service

UIN Maliki Malang Buka Layanan One Stop Service

KUI UIN MALANG – Kantor Urusan Internasional (KUI) UIN Maliki Malangmembuka layanan one stop service untuk mahasiswa asing UIN Maliki Malang. Layanan one stop service merupakan layanan satu atap yang berarti pelayanannya sudah mencangkup semua kebutuhan yang diperlukan. Muhammad Faruq, asisten manajer KUI UIN Maliki Malang mengatakan, pelayanan one stop service yang disediakan KUI UIN…

International Student Scholarship 2021
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International Student Scholarship 2021

KUI UIN MALANG. ISS program is a scholarship program presented by Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang for international citizens who want to get a new experience and feel firsthand the atmosphere, process, and quality of Islamic education in Indonesia. The university’s education system is a system of integration between science and religion that…